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June 2022 Major Release - 20.11.36

Resolved Issues

These changes have been released in the following software version(s) unless otherwise noted in the release note:

  • Version 19.4
  • Version 20.11

The following issues have been resolved:



Release Note

EFIN-42751IL Employment Information System - Override Hire Date

A user-defined field is added to the State Requirements page for the Employment Information System (EIS) Start Date. This is an override field used when present and valid, and while importing data for the EIS. It otherwise continues to use the Hire Date field from employee person table information.

Salesforce ticket: #05289230

EFIN-81890IL TRS Payroll Report - New Electronic File format implemented

New format implemented for Illinois TRS Payroll electronic file for transaction date 6/15/2022 and the following dates. Reports created on or before 6/14/2022 will remain in the old format. Starting 6/15/2022, electronic files will be created with the new format.

EFIN-83410IL TRS Gemini Payroll Report - Output to Excel Record Count

The record count for the Illinois TRS Gemini Hard Copy to Excel output has been corrected to show the right number of records.

EFIN-83928IL TRS Gemini Payroll Report - Correct Post Retirement Hours

The Ilinois TRS Gemini Payroll report allows reporting of partial hours. The maintenance program was saving this information only in whole hours. This has been corrected.

Salesforce ticket: #05902687

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