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July 2024 Release - 20.11.72, 22.4.34, 23.10.9

Resolved Issues

These changes have been released in the following software versions unless otherwise noted in the release note:




The following issues have been resolved:



Release Note


Menu link for IL ASA report

A new menu link for the IL Annual Statement of Affairs Report under Fund Accounting > State - IL has been added. This new option will populate data on the state's spreadsheet, similar to the IL Budget Form and Annual Financial Report.

Data is populated for the following tabs:

  • Cover page - Part-time and full-time employees count for both certificated and non-certificated employees. All other information, including Student data, must be manually filled in as the data doesn't exist in the application.

  • Assets & Liabilities - All the data gets populated through AFR (Assets-Liab 5-6 tab) but doesn't print the previous year's Cash and Investments.

  • Revenues & Expenditures - All the data gets populated through AFR (Revenues 10 – 15, Expenditures 16 – 24 tabs, "Acct Summary 7-9" for 7000 and 8000 series only).

  • Salary Schedule - All employees are printed based on their annual salary through check history. The certified employee has a Primary certificate only, and the IL ASA Exclude flag (which is the default flag) should be unchecked for certificate type.

  • Paym Over $2,500, Paym $1,000 to $2,500, and Paym $500 to $999 - All the vendors are categorized in the respective tabs based on their vendor checks with P - Payable type and with the transaction codes as either 20 or 21 is considered.

  • Contracts Exceeding $25,000 - This tab is not populated, so the district must manually fill it out, considering the complexity.


Follow up to IL M Type Calculation Change In EFIN-116915

Overriding the fringe rate using Employee Deductions for an M type deduction is not currently supported. However, the IL calculation for M type deductions used a rate if somehow entered. This inconsistency has been corrected, so only employee rates will use overrides from Employee Deductions for M type deductions. This will not have a visible impact on the calculation, but it will clean up the code behind the scenes.

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