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January 07, 2022 Release

Resolved Issues

These changes have been released in the following software version(s) unless otherwise noted in the release note:

  • Version 5.2
  • Version 19.4
  • Version 20.11

The following issues have been resolved:



Release Note

EFIN-67913IL TRS Load for Extra Duty not Subject to RetirementCorrected the Illinois TRS Load process to better handle Extra Duty pay when not subject to retirement.
When apportioning contributions and fringe across multiple pay types, it should only calculate based on Board Paid earnings for Board Paid deductions. Further, when there are multiple pay codes associated with the pay type, the skip codes end up applying to all pay codes for the type. This caused some contributions to be missed. The Load process will calculate and remain specific to a pay code. Then the appropriate contribution will be accumulated by the pay type.
EFIN-70534IL TRS SSP Defined Contribution Hard Copy and Electronic File reports

We have enhanced the Illinois TRS SSP Defined Contribution reporting to meet both the TRS and the SSP reporting requirements. Some changes to be aware of are:

Fields NOT required on the Defined Contribution (DC/SSP) report compared to the Defined Benefit (DB/TRS) report include payment reason, deferred, earnings, excess earnings, docked days, sick leave, days paid, post-retirement hours, balanced calendar, email address, and other demographic information.

Employer-defined contribution IS required.

Payment reason is NOT required. However, unlike the DB report, an employee can have more than one Contribution Category. For the DB report, Contribution Category means the ‘Tier’ in which the employee is in the retirement system, depending on the date of hire. So, an employee is in a single contribution category.

For the DC report, Contribution Category can be one of the following six types:

  • 03 = SSP
  • 04 = SSP Catch-Up
  • 05 = SSP Special Catch-Up
  • 06 = Roth SSP
  • 07 = Roth SSP Catch-Up
  • 08 = Roth SSP Special Catch-Up

An Employee may have more than one SSP contribution type.

There is default in a payment reason for the SSP payment reason.

The DC contribution will be a fixed amount to start with and will be available in the form of percentage later.

The IL TRS does not want us to submit field data which is not required.

The maintenance page will change when an SSP record is entered to require the Employer Defined Contribution and default a ‘N/A’ payment reason.

A unique record for the ‘01’ - Defined Benefit - record type is unique for report type, employee number, check issue date, start date, end date, and payment reason. The Contribution category will be repeated as it is an employee class, and not a deduction class.

A unique record for the ‘02’ - SSP Define Contribution - record type is unique for report type, employee number, check issue date, start date, end date, and contribution category. The Contribution category is a deduction type for SSP, and an employee may have more than one Category. Payment Reason will not be included in the electronic file for SSP.

EFIN-74834IL TRS Contrib Category and Payment Reason access

We have modified the Illinois TRS maintenance to allow the Contribution Category and Payment Reason fields to be updated in the maintenance.

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