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Vendor Defined Window – Iowa Contractor New Hire Information

  1. On the application start page, choose Menu, then choose Fund Accounting.

  2. Select Reference Tables, then choose Vendor List.

  3. Specify the search criteria and click Find

  4. Double-click the relevant vendor record.

  5. Select Defined Windows

  6. Double-click Iowa Contractor New Hire Information. Refer to Vendor Defined Window – Iowa Contractor New Hire Information#Field Descriptions and enter valid information.

  7. Click OK.

Field Descriptions



Referencing Report

Database Field


Enter Y if the vendor is a contractor as defined by the purpose of New Hire reporting in the Iowa Centralized Employee Registry documentation and has not been reported.

Employers must report contractors within 15 days of the date on which both of the following conditions are met:

  • Payment to the contractor under an agreement/contract occurs more frequently than a lump sum payment paid once in a calendar year.

  • A single payment for at least one of the agreements/contracts between the payor and contractor is issued to the contractor in an amount that exceeds what is required for a 1099-MISC filing (currently $600).

New Hire report

vnduser.ftext1, page_no = "10"

Soc. Sec. #

Must be updated for every vendor who fits Iowa's definition of a contractor and has not yet been reported.

New Hire report

vnduser.ftext2, page_no = "10"

Last Name

Must be updated for every vendor who fits Iowa's definition of a contractor and has not yet been reported.

New Hire report

vnduser.ftext3, page_no = "10"

First Name

Must be updated for every vendor who fits Iowa's definition of a contractor and has not yet been reported.

New Hire report

vnduser.ftext4, page_no = "10"

Middle Name

Must be updated for every vendor who fits Iowa's definition of a contractor and has not yet been reported.

New Hire report

vnduser.ftext5, page_no = "10"

Birth Date

Must be updated for every vendor who fits Iowa's definition of a contractor and has not yet been reported.

New Hire report

vnduser.ftext6, page_no = "10"

Date Svc Contr

Date service contracted. This is the first day the contractor is owed payment.

New Hire report

vnduser.ftext7, page_no = "10"

New Hire Rptd

Automatically updated to the date on which the New Hire Report electronic file is created.

New Hire report

vnduser.ftext8, page_no = "10"

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