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State Required

Before generating reports, ensure that you enter valid information on the Iowa State Retirement page.

Specify Information For Regular Employees

Regular employees do not have a Pending Status of Add Pending on the Employee Information page.

  1. On the application start page, choose Menu, then choose Human Resources.

  2. Select Entry & Processing, then choose Employee Information (under Employee). 

  3. Specify the search criteria, then click Find
    Alternatively, you can select Exclude Pending Employees, then click Find.

  4. Double-click the relevant employee record. 

  5. Click Payroll Information and select State Required

  6. Refer to Iowa State Retirement - Employee Information#Field Descriptions and enter valid information in the required fields. 

  7. Click OK.

Specify Information For Pending Employees

Pending employees are those employees with a Pending Status of Add Pending on the Employee Information page.

  1. On the application start page, choose Menu, then choose Human Resources.

  2. Select Entry & Processing, then choose Employee Information (under Employee).

  3. Specify the search criteria, then click Find
    Alternatively, you can select Only List Pending Employees, then click Find.

  4. Double-click the relevant employee record. 

  5. Click Iowa State Retirement Screen (under Personnel). 

  6. Refer to Iowa State Retirement - Employee Information#Field Descriptions and enter valid information in the required fields.

  7. Click Finish.

  8. On the navigation bar, click Finish.

  9. Click OK.

Field Descriptions

The following table describes the fields and the reports that reference the fields on the Iowa State Retirement page:



Referencing Report

Database Field

BEDS Report

Enter Y to include the employee on the BEDS report.

Basic Educational Data Survey (BEDS) report

empuser.ftext1, page_no = "32000"


This is the identifying number assigned to individual employees by the Iowa Board of Educational Examiners.

New Hire report

empuser.ftext2, page_no = "32000"


Enter Y if the employee is a faculty member.

New Hire report

empuser.ftext3, page_no = "32000"

Dep Hlth Ins?

Enter Y if dependent health insurance is available. Dep Hlth Ins? must be updated for every new hire who has not been reported.

New Hire report

empuser.ftext4, page_no = "32000"

Date Ins Avail

Approximate date employee qualifies for dependent health insurance. The Date Ins Avail must be updated when Dep Hlth Ins? is Y.

New Hire report

empuser.ftext5, page_no = "32000"

New Hire Rptd

Enter Y if the new hire has been reported. New Hire Rptd is automatically updated to Y when the New Hire Report electronic file is created.

New Hire report

empuser.ftext6, page_no = "32000"

Occ Code

The occupation class code as defined by IPERS. Use this field to override the default value. A default code of 01 for Government entities and 11 for School Districts is loaded into the work file.

If a value is entered in Occ Code, it will be the Occupation Class loaded for the employee.

IPERS Monthly Retirement report

empuser.ftext7, page_no = "32000"

IPERS Hire Date

IPERS Member's first date of work for the employer.

IPERS Monthly Retirement report

empuser.ftext8, page_no = "32000"


Enter Y to exempt the employee from the Workforce Report.

Quarterly Wage report

empuser.ftext9, page_no = "32000"

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