Demographic Record
The following table shows the Iowa field names, data length, data type, state-provided notes, and definitions for the Demographic record type. The Iowa Department of Education released this information on October 14, 2020.
Field Name | Length (Max) | Type | Notes | Definition |
Record Type | 1 | Character | Always "D" | Identifies the record as a demographic record. |
Local Staff ID | 12 | Character | - | Unique ID assigned by the district. |
SystemKey | 8 | Character | - | The eight-digit number of the district submitting the file. For Iowa Public School Districts, this will be the four-digit district number followed by '0000'. For non-public schools, this will be the four-digit district number, followed by the system number or the school number if the non-public does not have a system. |
Primary School | 4 | Character | - | The four-digit number of the building in which the staff person works/spends most of their time/or starts their day. |
Folder | 8 | Numeric | - | Licensed staff folder number issued by the Board of Educational Examiners. |
Last Name | 50 | Character | - | Legal last name of the person. |
First Name | 50 | Character | - | Legal first name of the person. |
Gender Code | 1 | Character | - | The concept describing the biological traits that distinguish the males and females of a species. |
Ethnicity - Hispanic/Latino | 1 | Character | 0=No, 1=Yes | A person of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Central or South American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race. |
Race - American Indian or Alaska Native | 1 | Character | 0=No, 1=Yes | A person having origins in any of the original people of North America or who maintains cultural identification through tribal affiliation or community recognition. |
Race - Asian | 1 | Character | 0=No, 1=Yes | A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, the Indian subcontinent. |
Race - Black or African American | 1 | Character | 0=No, 1=Yes | A person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa. |
Race - Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander | 1 | Character | 0=No, 1=Yes | a person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii or the Pacific Islands. |
Race - White | 1 | Character | 0=No, 1=Yes | A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, North Africa, or the Middle East. |
Date of Birth | 10 | Date | mm/dd/yyyy | Date of birth of the person. |
Highest Degree | 1 | Character | Highest degree attained. | |
Total Experience | 2 | Numeric | no decimal (in completed years) | Total number of years of experience completed (in whole numbers) in K-12 education. If this is the first year, enter zero. |
District Experience | 2 | Numeric | no decimal (in completed years) | Total number of years of experience completed (in whole numbers) in this district. If this is the first year, enter zero. |
Contract Days/Work Days | 3 | Numeric | no decimal (Contact Days for Staff) | Number of days contracted, or if not a contract employee, the number of days the employee is expected to work. |
Teacher Leader Days | 3 | Numeric | no decimal (Contact Days for Licensed Staff with Teacher Leader Positions) | Number of days contracted to work as a teacher leader. |
Base Compensation | 6 | Numeric | no decimal | The amount of gross salary or wage to be paid for normal work duties before deductions, less amount to be paid from Teacher Compensation funds. |
Extra Compensation | 6 | Numeric | no decimal | The amount of salary or wage to be paid for extra duties such as extracurricular activities, extended contract, bonus pay, Incentive Pay, Performance Pay, Stipends, and activities that are outside the regular salary schedule. |
Bonus Pay | 6 | Numeric | no decimal | The amount of salary or wage to be paid by an AEA as Bonus pay. |
Professional Development | 6 | Numeric | no decimal | The amount of salary or wage to be paid from teacher quality professional development funds received. |
Teacher Salary Supplement | 6 | Numeric | no decimal | The amount of salary or wage to be paid from teacher compensation funds received. |
Teacher Leader Compensation | 6 | Numeric | no decimal | The amount of salary to be paid from the teacher leadership grant funds received. |
Retirement Benefits | 6 | Numeric | no decimal | The amount to be paid by the district for retirement and FICA; and the employee's share of retirement if paid by the district. |
Annuities | 6 | Numeric | no decimal | The amount to be paid by the AEA for annuities. |
Health Benefits | 6 | Numeric | no decimal | The amount to be paid by the district for health benefits such as health insurance, dental insurance, disability insurance, vision insurance, long-term care insurance. |
Other Benefits | 6 | Numeric | no decimal | The amount to be paid by the district for other benefits such as IRS value of housing allowance, IRS value of automobile allowances whether purchased or provided, pay for unused vacation/sick leave, life insurance, other insurance. |