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Payroll Information - State Required

To access the employee's State Required page select the menu option: Main Menu -> Human Resources -> Employee Information. Search for and select an employee. Once an employee is selected, click on 'Details' tab and select 'State Required' in the 'Payroll Information' section. The CT State/Retirement Screen displays.

The following table describes each of the fields on the State Required page and which state reports reference the fields.



Referencing Report

Database Field

On Ret Rpt?

Specifies whether the employee should be reported in the retirement report and included in the retirement calculations.  The expected entries are:

Y – Employee will be reported

O – Employee will be reported but annual salary is overridden on employee’s State Required page.  Retirement programs will not update the annual salary.

N – Employee will not be reported

CT Retirement Deduction Calculations, CT Retirement Reports

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Annual Ret Sal

Employee’s annual salary for all active pay rates that are not exempt from the retirement deduction code.  This is calculated by the CT Retirement Deduction Calculations.

CT Retirement Deduction Calculations, CT Retirement Reports

empuser.ftext2, page_no = "32000"

FTE Override

Employee’s FTE to be used in prorating the salary that is reported on the retirement report.   Can be entered for employees who have more than one pay rate making up a full time equivalency.  If the FTE Override is not entered, then the FTE from the employee’s primary pay rate is used for the calculation.

CT Retirement Reports

empuser.ftext4, page_no = "32000"

Employee Information – Personnel – Staff State ID

A new field, Staff State ID, has been added to the Personnel tab of Employee Information to provide easier access to state-specific identification numbers assigned to employees. To access the Staff State ID, select the menu option: Main Menu -> Human Resources -> Employee Information. Select an employee, and click on the Personnel tab. At the present time, this field does not need to be entered because Connecticut does not currently assign a number to employees. The employee's Social Security Number is used as the identification number for retirement reporting.

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