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EFS Report

The CT EFS State Report allows LEAs to upload expenditure records from the local accounting system to the Connecticut State Department of Education with a minimum of manual data entry.

CT EFS Report

To access the CT EFS Report, select the following menu path: Fund Accounting -> State -> CT EFS Report.

Field Name



This is the year that is being updated

Budget Code

The budget code that is being updated


The Account code being updated


The description to include in the report.  Defaults to budget code description.


The total amount of expenditures associated with the expenditure account.

Valid EFS codes can be found in the EFS User Guide, section 4, located at:

Setup Associations for the LEA's Account Structure

Prior to generating the EFS State report, the setup information needs to be created to associate the LEA's account structures to the CSDE-assigned parameters such as Fund Source, Function Code, etc.

Setup information needs to be established, and then the data loaded from the ledgers. The initial setup may be tedious, but the reporting information changes infrequently, so future reporting should be quite efficient.

The overall process is:

  1. Use the Setup option to update the CT EFS Report Setup to specify the budget code and account to update.

  2. Use the Load Setup option to create setup entries for all expenditure ledgers for a given fiscal year.

  3. Use the Mass Change option to populate the EFS fields associated with each ledger account.

Update the profile used in the loading of the data

Click on the Setup action item at the top of the screen, and the CT EFS Report - Setup page displays.

Field Name


Budget Code

The budget code that is being updated


The Account code that is being updated

Valid EFS codes can be found in the EFS User Guide, section 4, located at:

This information is used when loading the data from the ledger files. When the selected organizational keys of the ledgers match the 'Budget Code' and Account, then the ledger information will be associated with the EFS information held in this setup screen.

Load Setup Entries for Expenditure Ledgers

This process will create setup entries for all expenditure ledgers for a given fiscal year.

  1. On the CT EFS Report - Setup page, click the Load Setup action item.

  2. In the Load Criteria, select the year that is being used to generate the setup records. 

  3. Click OK to run the load. 

Field Name



This is the year that is being used to generate the setup records.

When a Year is entered and the load run, all expenditure ledger accounts for the indicated year will have an entry in the setup data.

Mass Change Ledger Accounts

After you create the entries for the expenditure ledger accounts, you must populate the EFS fields associated with each ledger account.

Click on the Mass Change action item to open up the following window. This process allows EFS information to be associated with multiple ledger accounts, dependent upon the breakdown of the ledger account number.

Using Fund codes, along with other values associated with the budget distribution of the expenditure ledger accounts, the EFS field values can be assigned to the appropriate account setup entries. For example, enter '01' into Fund, and "1-Local Budget Appropriation' into Fund Source, and all setup records with the Fund value of '01' will receive the Fund Source code of '1-Local Budget Appropriation."

Load LEA information

In preparation for generating the EFS report, the LEA's information for the indicated year must be loaded into the report table. Click Load at the top of the CT EFS Report page. Then, select the year for the expenditure ledger accounts used to create the report records.

After accepting the year to process, this step will gather the LEA expenditure account information, including encumbrances and the balance, as well as the associated EFS information from the setup records, and create the report records. The accounts must be present in the setup data to be included.

Generate Report

Click Report at the top of the CT EFS Report page.

The EFS State Report can be created in a hard copy or a magnetic format. The hardcopy provides for viewing of the data to be submitted, as well as the selective generation of the report based on EFS information. The magnetic option generates a file containing all accounts loaded for the indicated year, with the exception of expenditure accounts indicated as 'excluded' within the setup data


Report data can be removed by using the Purge action item. Selecting a year will indicate for which year to remove the report data. Entering distribution information can further limit the data to be removed.

Other fields may be used to identify the report records to delete. Report records with field values that match the input values will be removed.

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