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November 12, 2021 Release

These changes have been released in Version 21.4.9:

New Features



Release Note

EFIN-64700Changes to Standard Payables screens

When Fund Accounting profile flag Print Checks by Bank is checked, the user can input the bank account associated with a Standard Payable being entered.

EFIN-64703AP Manual Check page inputs bank account 

The Accounts Payable Manual Check process has been modified to input the bank account when the Fund Accounting profile option Print Checks by Bank is checked. In addition, the cash account associated with the bank will be used for the transaction processing.

EFIN-64713Bank Transmission File selects records based on bank account

When the Fund Accounting profile option Print Checks by Bank is checked, the Bank Transmission File, also known as Positive Pay, file creation will select checks based on the bank account.

EFIN-68412AP Batch Manual Check Edit Report

The AP Batch Manual Check Edit Report has been modified to display the cash account in full account format.

EFIN-68671Cash Balance Checking updated to support Cash Interfund Balancing

When a fund is set up for a warning or fatal error on Cash Balance checking and the district is using Cash Interfund Balancing, there was an issue with calculating the cash balance. This has been corrected.

EFIN-71077Encumbrance Status Report

Make the input on the Encumbrance Status Report all with 1 input to ensure that users do not need to click OK three times to run the report.

EFIN-71255For Print Checks by Bank the Payroll Cash Account number is not required on the Bank Account table

When the Fund Accounting profile flag Print Checks by Bank is Checked for Automated Payroll Interface, the Cash Account no longer needs to be set up on the Bank Account table. When processing payroll charging transactions, if Cash Interfund Balancing is checked and Create Clearing Entries for Payroll Interfund is unchecked, the cash account number will use the Fund Accounting profile Payroll Fund and Payroll Cash Account. When processing payroll charges, if Cash Interfund Balancing is unchecked or Cash Interfund Balancing is checked and Create Clearing Entries for Payroll Interfund is checked, the cash account number will use the salary or benefit expense fund and the Fund Accounting profile Payroll Cash Account.

Resolved Issues

The following issues have been resolved:



Release Note

EFIN-67656Student Activities Check Print

A configuration change was made to correct an issue with the printing of Student Activities Checks.

EFIN-69505Leave Request DetailFixed the opening of the leave request detail from employee information and dynamic leave requests.
EFIN-71114Precision value for the hours calculation

The value in format hhhh:mm received from the absence payload for Absence Duration and Absentee Total Work Hours will be converted to minutes first before the hours to days calculation. Then, the value obtained by dividing Absence Duration with Absentee Total Work Hours will be considered up to 4 decimal places with rounding. (for example, 0.45865989 -> 0.4587).

EFIN-71617Installer update for state and custom database updates

Under certain circumstances, the database upgrade scripts for state and custom software were failing during the release install process. This has been corrected.

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