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May 2022 Major Release - 21.4.20

The 21.4.19 release was minor and there were no release notes to publish.

These changes have been released in Version 21.4.20:

New Features

ReferenceAreaRelease Note
EFIN-69773Human ResourcesAdditional error logging enabled to track issues with email payroll vouchers.

Resolved Issues

The following issues have been resolved:



Release Note

EFIN-77346DashboardWhen persona-based dashboards are assigned or deleted from a user, the My Dashboard tab will always be the right-most tab.
EFIN-81166DashboardFavorites will be in alphabetical order on “My Dashboard”.
EFIN-53982Fund AccountingFixed issues where Batch Receipts page was giving a fatal error when a character was entered in the Search Criteria: Receipt Amount field, and the data was not clearing when the user returned to the previous screen.
EFIN-64726Fund AccountingFixed issue causing Print Multiple Batches to return error: Could not create temporary table.
EFIN-71808Fund AccountingFixed the Check Not Found error when adding a Batch Manual Check.
EFIN-75795Fund AccountingCorrection to add a Use Tax on manual checks and print manual checks. Fixed the logic used to combine payments on a manual check to allow a credit if it is added to additional payments that create a positive check.
EFIN-80817Fund AccountingAdded validations for Receipt Import to make the validations identical to Batch Receipts and Post Receipts.
EFIN-81394Fund AccountingFixed issue where incorrect transaction data appeared when clicking on the More Info button for a journal entry.
EFIN-81908Fund AccountingFixed minor coding changes in Manual Checks and Batch Manual Checks which were throwing fatal errors. This is a baseline fix that only affects Arkansas customers.
EFIN-82056Fund AccountingThe Batch Budget Transfer report was fixed to display the correct account numbers. Prior to this correction, the first account number displayed on both the first and second line.
EFIN-53794Human ResourcesMade changes to LWOP and rollover attendance records so that the leave stop date is entered in the payroll calculation and manual check when these records are created.
EFIN-54472Human Resources

Fixed issue causing a fatal error occurring when adding a Personnel Activity Tracker (PAT) record with an error in the start date. An Invalid Start Date message will appear instead of the fatal error.

EFIN-61497Human ResourcesFixed issues with final pay of fiscal year end (FYE) running for much longer duration than expected.
EFIN-78535Human ResourcesFixed issue in Redistribute Payroll where user received an error when selecting a negative record to redistribute and entered a smaller negative amount to be redistributed: Distribution amount exceeds total of selected items.
EFIN-79904Human ResourcesFixed issue when a user posts employee timesheets to Excel format. The headers were not printing in right position.
EFIN-81236Human ResourcesFixed the error with What if paycheck calculator when user runs a 2nd calculation within a short time after a previous calculation. Removed the interrupt flag that was causing the program to prematurely exit when the Genero Application Service was expecting to remain active.
EFIN-82433Human ResourcesModified the format of the Pending Leave Balance column in the form to accept values up to 9999.9999

The approval email for a new Purchasing Requisition will include fields:

  • Requested Date
  • Requisition Number
  • Vendor No
  • Requisition Description
  • Total Requisition Amount
  • Removed old code that modifies user email columns in the security users table during a database upgrade.
  • Fixed scenarios in which user defaults could be accidentally deleted when maintaining user records.
  • Added logging for Purchasing Default tables and Forms Manager Default tables.
EFIN-82021System AdministrationOn the Fund Accounting Profile, the Payroll Bank Account and the Payroll Vendor Bank Account fields were expanded to allow entry of 20 characters.
EFIN-79312Vendor PunchoutFixed issue in the processing of an item with a description that has more than 50 characters appearing consecutively without any spaces. It was failing because it could not determine where to line-break.
EFIN-81383Vendor Punchout

Improved error messaging for VPO when validating the user security record. The employee number must be entered on the user security record for the proper linkage. The error will be more descriptive and not a fatal error.

EFIN-81777Vendor Punchout

Fixed issue where commodity code was being populated with data sent from the vendor when the commodity code did not exist in the reference table.

VPO site-wide profile item was added to allow users to choose to always load the vendor-provided commodity code or only load the commodity if the value is found on a lookup to the reference table. VPO will default to only load the commodity value if it is found. This caused issues with being able to process requisitions and purchase orders.

Federal Reporting

The following issue has been resolved:

ReferenceAreaRelease Note
EFIN-81914Human ResourcesFixed issue for 941 Quarterly Federal Tax Return report not indicating a negative sign. The negative calculation was correct, but when 941 only had voided amounts, the negative sign was not showing on the report.
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