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July 30, 2021 Release

These changes have been released in Version 21.4.2:

New Features



Release Note

EFIN-33992Budget Preparation Options

The following Budget Preparation options were updated to support account number entry and display:

  • Revenue Budget Entry – Approved
  • Revenue Future Budget Entry
  • Future year Expenditure Budget Worksheet
  • 5 Year Expenditure Budget Summary Report
  • The following Budget Preparation options were updated to support account number entry and display:
  • Revenue Budget Entry – Approved
  • Revenue Future Budget Entry
  • Future year Expenditure Budget Worksheet
  • Expenditure Budget Report
  • Revenue Budget Summary
  • Expenditure Generic Report
  • Revenue Generic Report
  • 5 Year Expenditure Budget Summary Report
  • Requested Expenditure Worksheet

  • Recommended Expenditure Budget Worksheet

EFIN-47372Purchasing Options

The following Purchasing options were updated to support account number display:

  • Requisition Status Report
EFIN-47982Human Resources Options

The following Human Resources options were updated to support account number entry and display:

  • Batch Position Control
  • Position Requisition Entry
EFIN-47989Fund Accounting Options

The following Fund Accounting options have been updated to support the account number format:

  • Standard Payables
  • Batch Encumbrance
  • System Recovery
  • The following Fund Accounting options were updated to support account number entry and display:
  • Standard Payables
  • Batch Encumbrance
  • Detail Expenditure Status Report
  • Detail Revenue Status Report
  • Daily Transaction Listing                :
    • Encumbrance Activity
    • Expenditure Budget Activity
    • Interfaced Payroll Activity
    • Journal Entry Activity
    • Journal Entry Report
    • Manual Check Activity
    • Payable Activity
    • Receipt Activity
    • Receivable Activity
    • Revenue Budget Activity
    • Transaction Status Report
  • Budget Allocation Report
  • Budget Control Status Report
  • System Recovery
  • Year to Date Discount
  • Expenditure Budget Status
  • Revenue Budget Status
EFIN-61013Aging Open Accounts Payable Report

The Aging Open Accounts Payable report is a new report that lists all outstanding payable entries and all open payables with aging details.

You can run the report as of the current date or a historical date, similar to the Outstanding Checks Report.

Resolved Issues

The following issues have been resolved:



Release Note

EFIN-49428Payroll Check Void

A fatal error was encountered when voiding an employee’s payroll check because the number of records associated with the check being voided was too large. This has been fixed.

EFIN-49555Pending Employee Pay Rate Charging Information

Modifications have been made to the project validation when changing a pending employee’s pay rate.

EFIN-50009Ohio local taxes in effective date changesWhen the local tax exempt field is set to yes, the status in effective date changes does not blank out for Ohio.
EFIN-56279MN Personnel Budgeting Distribute Salary and Benefits

The MN custom V type benefits for position control distributions is now being handled in the personnel budgeting distribution of benefits. 

EFIN-57160Billing Module

The Billing module icon on the dashboard does not act as a toggle like the rest of the buttons. To get back to the Dashboard from the Billing module, the user had to open and close another tab, such as Fund Accounting, or Purchasing. This has been corrected.

EFIN-57712System Messages

If you define System Messages, they will now display for users according to the message configuration.


Batch Account Payable Edit

Modifications have been made to the Microsoft Excel output related to the Batch Accounts Payable Edit List.
EFIN-59582Advanced Search

There was an issue where an error would occur when trying to do an advanced search. This has been fixed.

EFIN-59593Interfund Account NumbersIn the Post Payment entry, the cash/interfund account number section of the page is modified to prevent the user from updating the interfund account numbers. The user can update the cash account numbers.
EFIN-59595Standard PayablesWhen using Cash Interfund Balancing and the credit entry is to the interfund account, a cash account is no longer required in the expensing fund.
EFIN-60621Budget Prep Organization Chart Disbursement Fund

Modifications have been made to crosswalk the Fund Accounting Profile Disbursement Fund when appropriate for use in the organization chart in Budget Prep.

EFIN-60684SSO Export

The SSO Export has been modified to not include terminated employees regardless of the status code. Employees with a future termination date are included in the export.

EFIN-60834SearchWhen searching for records, if no results are returned, the message ‘0 Records Found’ is displayed.
EFIN-61151Database Upgrade Error

The global user SSO mapping table was populated with errors for districts that were not using single sign-on. Now, the database update script will delete the erroneous records.


Redistribution Fatal Error

Prevented a fatal error in redistribution when a check is already redistributed to ensure that the fringe percentage calculation is an atypical number.
EFIN-61484Customer Name Wrapping on Reconciliation Reports

The Payroll Payments Report, Payroll Void Checks Report, and Reconciliation Summary Reports have been modified to display longer customer names in the header without wrapping and overwriting the header on the next line.

EFIN-61641Payroll Reconciliation ReportThe Payroll Reconciliation Report within Bank Reconciliation is modified to support the Items Type flag. The user can now specify whether to include All items, only Uncleared items, or only Cleared items.
EFIN-61861Security in CommunityPLUSPrevented a fatal error in the Users option of security in the CommunityPLUS database.
EFIN-61862Standard PayablesThe Standard Payables menu option is modified to support the account number format.
EFIN-61863Summary Report VarianceOn the Bank Reconciliation Summary Report, the Variance between the Adjusted Balance per Bank and the General Ledger Ending Balance was off by the amount of the cleared journal entry. This issue only occurred when the user ran the report without first saving the reconciliation and has been corrected.
EFIN-62151GL Balance in Bank ReconciliationWhen calculating the GL Balance for bank reconciliation, the calculation must allow for multiple cash accounts.  When multiple cash accounts are specified, the GL Balance is the sum of balances for the specified accounts.  Prior to this update, if multiple accounts were set up for the bank, an error message  "The general ledger fiscal year entered contains multiple disbursement funds or accounts for the bank account.  The general ledger balance cannot be calculated and will show as zero." was displayed and the GL balance was set to zero.
EFIN-62152Bank Reconciliation Deposits and Checks

When loading Bank Reconciliation deposits and checks, the system looks at the interfund accounts for the disbursement fund defined in the Interfund Balance Accounts table, in addition to the cash account specified in the bank table.

EFIN-62452Employee Timecard Status Report

The PowerSchool ERP Timecard Status Report, accessed via the menu option Human Resources > Reports > Employee Timesheets, was generating incorrect information. For example, an employee was reported as having logged 39.00 hours in Employee Timesheets but when viewed in ETS, the actual hours were 42.75 hours.

The problem was identified and the program is modified to report the correct information.

EFIN-62533TX Disbursement Fund FixThe validation of the disbursement fund for TX on batch payables for period 13 of a prior year is not corrected.
EFIN-62889Error Handling in Batch Encumbrance Import

Error handling is improved in the Batch Encumbrance import to handle the following conditions:

  1. Prevent the import of an encumbrance with an alpha encumbrance number
  2. Verify that the Budget unit and account or account number are valid
  3. Verify that the vendor number exists
  4. Prevent the import of an encumbrance for a negative amount
  5. Only import encumbrances for the current fiscal year
EFIN-63421Menu Options for Account Number FormatMenu options that have not been modified to support the account number format are hidden. This is accomplished by assigning to the security package DIS.
EFIN-63918Radio ButtonWhen a radio button was selected, it disappeared. This has been fixed.
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