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February 11, 2022 Release

These changes have been released in Version 21.4.15:

New Features



Release Note

EFIN-76565Check Number and Check Date Positioning on AP ChecksAP Checks program modified to use Check Number and Check Date positioning configurations from Forms Manager.
EFIN-54191Negative gross pay from non-docking pay codes will now update docking arrears

Previously, only docking pay codes were used to update docking arrears. If there were other pay codes with negative pay that resulted in a negative gross situation besides docking pay codes, the employee was skipped and docking arrears was not updated.

Now, if the site uses the Adjust Negative Gross feature, it will not skip these employees. Docking arrears will be updated for the full amount of the negative gross pay, irrespective of the pay codes with negative pay.

Resolved Issues

The following issues have been resolved:



Release Note

EFIN-77092Post Cash Receipt System Payments

Deployed a fix to prevent a fatal error in Post Cash Receipt System Payments.

EFIN-48778Parser Error message not longer displays erroneously

A parser error displayed intermittently when running an option. This has been fixed and the error message is no longer displayed.

EFIN-73727Payroll Register modified for fringe benefit and worker's compensation The Payroll Register was modified to correctly display the liability transactions for fringe benefits and worker’s compensation when a redistribution occurred.
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