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December 10, 2021 Release

These changes have been released in Version 21.4.11:

New Features



Release Note

EFIN-70325Performance improvement in Expense Budget vs Actual KPI

Performance is improved on the load of the Expense Budget vs Actual KPI.

EFIN-73078Multiple SFE classification codes mapping

In the SFE Classification Codes Mapping screen, the admin can map multiple SFE classification codes with a single combination of PowerSchool ERP employee job class, substitute job class, and pay code. 

Resolved Issues

The following issues have been resolved:



Release Note

EFIN-72207Employee Photo Size

The employee photo in Employee Information is now constrained to a 300x300 pixel area.

EFIN-70122Future Changes Deduction Load

The saved search is prevented from making the load deduction option lose your input on load.

EFIN-60835User can delete favorites from the dashboardThe user is now able to delete favorites from a panel within the dashboard.

Federal Reporting

The following issues have been resolved:



Release Note

EFIN-68078ACA - Provide Correct Prior Year Reporting for 1095 XML File

When customers created a 1095-C electronic file for a tax year previous to the current one, it did not update the tax year format being provided correctly. We have changed default year in the manifest to be the latest year by installing a software code. This should be the correct submission year for most scenarios. In the case of submitting for a previous year, we have added an override to that submission year in the electronic file creation option.

EFIN-68398ACA - Correct Coverage Update calculation for mid-year start

When loading Affordable Care Act 1095 for an employee who started mid-year, with a setup in which the load is based on the previous month, and the start date is in a current month, it was updating the Coverage code to !h rather than 1A. This has been corrected.

EFIN-742501099-NEC attachment creationWe released the printing for three 1099-NEC forms per page and discovered that the third one on the page was not created if you create attachments. We have corrected this in the December minor release for versions 19.4, 20.11, 21.4. The correction for 5.2 will be part of the January major release.
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